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GRAPE is a desktop application for calculating the environmental impacts of aircraft operations at airports. The scope is limited to flight operations (excludes taxiing, ground handling, ...). Aircraft noise and pollutant emissions are the main focus of GRAPE.


Windows x64

Getting Started

  1. Start by downloading the latest release to your machine.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Start GRAPE.exe in the unzipped folder.
  4. Check the examples folder for studies demonstrating some of the GRAPE features.


  • Graphical user interface (GUI) to edit all the input data, run calculations and visualize outputs.
  • Models based implementation, as little hard coded variables as possible.
  • SQLite as an application file format (.grp). All user inputs can be automated by creating this file and inserting values into it. Further information can be found in the schema documentation.
  • GRAPE.exe can be called from a command line with arguments to automate certain actions. Check the documentation or run GRAPE.exe -h from the command line for further information.
  • Multithreaded calculations, the exact number of threads depending on the hardware used.
  • Supported models:

Features not (yet) implemented

  • BADA4 performance model (you can use the 4D Trajectories if you have access to BADA4 from other sources)
  • Vector route dispersion
  • AzB noise model
  • Elevation of each grid point for a noise run based on a digital elevation model (DEM)
  • nvPM models (FOA3.0, FOX)
  • Noise contour generation from a noise grid (you can use the GeoPackage export feature, and then import that file into a GIS software with contour generation capabilities, e.g. QGIS)