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GeoPackage Files

In a GRAPE study, the following types of data can be georeferenced:

GRAPE can export this data in the GeoPackage format. The exported layers types and attributes are specified in the following sections.

Airport Structure

The airport structure of all airports defined in a study can be exported via Edit->Export->Airports. The following layers are exported:

Layer Type Description Attributes
airports POINT Airport reference location airport
runways_points POINT Runway reference location airport, runway
runways_lines LINESTRING Runway line (based on reference location, length and heading) airport, runway
routes LINESTRING Output of each route as calculated on the WGS84 coordinate system airport, runway, route, operation, type

Performance Run Outputs

After running a performance run, the outputs can be visualized in a tabular form for each operation. In the Scenarios panel, select a performance run which has the status Done, open the Output collapsible, click on the orange button and select Export as .gpkg. A GeoPackage file will be created with a single layer:

Layer Type Description Attributes
performance_run_output LINESTRING Performance output of each operation name, operation, type, time, count, fleet id

Noise Run Outputs

After running a noise run which has cumulative metrics defined, the outputs can be visualised in a tabular form for each cumulative metric defined. In the Scenarios panel, select a noise run which has the status Done, open the Output Cumulative Metric collapsible, click the orange button and select Export as .gpkg. A GeoPackage file will be created with the following layers:

Layer Type Description Attributes
noise_run_receptors POINT Receptors for which noise was calculated
noise_run_cumulative_noise POINT Cumulative metric output cumulative_metric, count, count_weighted, maximum_absolute_db, maximum_average_db, exposure_db
noise_run_cumulative_number_above POINT Cumulative metric number above output cumulative_metric, threshold, number

The geographical representation of all three layers is identical (the receptors at which noise is calculated). Only the attributes change.