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Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
type TEXT Jet, Turboprop, Piston
Table Constraint Details


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
flap_id TEXT
type TEXT Takeoff, Land, Cruise
r REAL > 0
b REAL > 0
c REAL > 0
d REAL > 0
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, flap_id
FOREIGN KEY performance_id from doc29_performance
CHECK case type Takeoff - b NOT NULL, c NOT NULL
CHECK case type Land - d NOT NULL


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
type TEXT None, Rating, Rating Propeller
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id
FOREIGN KEY performance_id from doc29_performance


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
thrust_rating TEXT Maximum Takeoff, Maximum Climb, Idle, Maximum Takeoff High Temperature, Maximum Climb High Temperature, Idle High Temperature
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, thrust_rating
FOREIGN KEY performance_id from doc29_performance_thrust


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
thrust_rating TEXT
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, thrust_rating
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, thrust_rating from doc29_performance_thrust_ratings


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
thrust_rating TEXT
efficiency REAL
propulsive_power REAL
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, thrust_rating
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, thrust_rating from doc29_performance_thrust_ratings


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
operation TEXT Arrival, Departure
type TEXT Points, Procedural
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, operation, id
FOREIGN KEY performance_id from doc29_performance


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
operation TEXT
profile_id TEXT
cumulative_ground_distance REAL
altitude_afe REAL
true_airspeed REAL ≥ 0
corrected_net_thrust_per_engine REAL > 0
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, operation, id, profile_id, cumulative_ground_distance
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, operation, profile_id from doc29_performance_profiles


Each step in the arrival procedural profiles table is defined by a flap setting and three parameters. The following table defines the three parameters for each step type:

Step Type Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
Descend Decelerate Start Altitude ATE Descent Angle Start Calibrated Airspeed
Descend Idle Start Altitude ATE Descent Angle Start Calibrated Airspeed
Level Ground Distance
Level Decelerate Ground Distance Start Calibrated Airspeed
Level Idle Ground Distance Start Calibrated Airspeed
Descend Land Descent Angle Threshold Crossing Height
Ground Decelerate Ground Distance Start Calibrated Airspeed Thrust Percentage

Altitudes are given above threshold elevation. The term above threshold elevation is used to indicate that the profiles are aligned to the runway threshold elevation, not the airport elevation. Therefore, altitude above mean sea level (MSL) is calculated by adding the threshold elevation to the altitudes ATE.

Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
operation TEXT
profile_id TEXT
step_number INTEGER ≥ 1
step_type TEXT Arrival Start, Descend, Descend Decelerate, Descend Idle, Level, Level Decelerate, Level Idle, Descend Land, Ground Decelerate
flap_id TEXT
parameter_1 REAL
parameter_2 REAL
parameter_3 REAL
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, operation, id, profile_id, step_number
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, operation, profile_id from doc29_performance_profiles
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, flap_id from doc29_performance_aerodynamic_coefficients
CHECK case step_type Descend Decelerate - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 NOT NULL, parameter_2 ≤ 0, parameter_3 > 0
CHECK case step_type Descend Idle - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 NOT NULL, parameter_2 < 0, parameter3 ≥ 0
CHECK case step_type Level - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 > 0
CHECK case step_type Level Decelerate - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 > 0, parameter_2 > 0
CHECK case step_type Level Idle - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 > 0, parameter 2 ≥ 0
CHECK case step_type Descend Land - flap_id NOT NULL, parameter_1 ≤ 0, parameter_2 NOT NULL, parameter_3 > 0
CHECK case step_type Ground Decelerate - parameter_1 ≥ 0, parameter_2 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ parameter_3 ≤ 1


In a departure procedural profile, each step is defined by a thrust cutback flag indicating if the thrust cutback occurs at this step, a mandatory flap setting and three parameters. The following table defines the three parameters for each step type:

Step Type Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
Takeoff Initial Calibrated Airspeed
Climb End Altitude ATE
Climb Accelerate End Altitude ATE End Calibrated Airspeed Climb Rate
Climb Accelerate Percentage End Altitude ATE End Calibrated Airspeed Acceleration %

Altitudes are given above threshold elevation. The term above threshold elevation is used to indicate that the profiles are aligned to the runway threshold elevation, not the airport elevation. Therefore, altitude above mean sea level (MSL) is calculated by adding the threshold elevation to the altitudes ATE.

The first step of each departure procedural profile should be a Takeoff step. A flap setting of type Takeoff and the initial calibrated airspeed should be given. Normally, the aircraft will start from a still position and the initial speed will be 0. In case of rolling departures, the initial calibrated airspeed can be set to a higher value. After Takeoff, an arbitrary number of any of the other steps types should be provided.

Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
performance_id TEXT
operation TEXT
profile_id TEXT
step_number INTEGER ≥ 1
step_type TEXT Takeoff, Climb, Climb Accelerate, Climb Accelerate Percentage
thrust_cutback INTEGER 0, 1
flap_id TEXT
parameter_1 REAL
parameter_2 REAL
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY performance_id, operation, id, profile_id, step_number
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, operation, profile_id from doc29_performance_profiles
FOREIGN KEY performance_id, flap_id from doc29_performance_aerodynamic_coefficients
CHECK case step_type Takeoff - parameter_1 NOT NULL
CHECK case step_type Climb - parameter_1 NOT NULL
CHECK case step_type Climb Accelerate - parameter_1 > 0, parameter_2 > 0
CHECK case step_type Climb Accelerate Percentage - parameter_1 > 0, 0 < parameter_3 ≤ 1