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Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
scenario_id TEXT
coordinate_system_type TEXT Geodesic WGS84, Local Cartesian
coordinate_system_longitude_0 REAL -180 ≤ x ≤ 180
coordinate_system_latitude_0 REAL -90 ≤ x ≤ 90
filter_minimum_altitude REAL
filter_maximum_altitude REAL
filter_minimum_cumulative_ground_distance REAL
filter_maximum_cumulative_ground_distance REAL
filter_ground_distance_threshold REAL ≥ 0
segmentation_speed_delta_threshold REAL > 0
flights_performance_model TEXT Doc29
flights_doc29_low_altitude_segmentation INTEGER 0, 1
tracks_4d_minimum_points INTEGER ≥ 0
tracks_4d_recalculate_cumulative_ground_distance INTEGER 0, 1
tracks_4d_recalculate_groundspeed INTEGER 0, 1
tracks_4d_recalculate_fuel_flow INTEGER 0, 1
fuel_flow_model TEXT None, LTO, SFI
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY scenario_id, id
FOREIGN KEY scenario_id from scenarios


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
scenario_id TEXT
performance_run_id TEXT
time TEXT yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
temperature_delta REAL -100 ≤ x ≤ 100
pressure_delta REAL -15000 ≤ x ≤ 15000
wind_speed REAL
wind_direction REAL 0 ≤ x ≤ 360
relative_humidity REAL 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id, time
FOREIGN KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id from performance_run

If the wind direction is empty, GRAPE will interpret the wind speed as being a constant headwind.


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
scenario_id TEXT
performance_run_id TEXT
operation_id TEXT
operation TEXT Arrival, Departure
operation_type TEXT Flight, Track 4D
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id, operation_id, operation, operation_type
FOREIGN KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id from performance_run


Variable Type NOT NULL Constraint
scenario_id TEXT
performance_run_id TEXT
operation_id TEXT
operation TEXT
operation_type TEXT
point_number INTEGER
point_origin TEXT Route, Profile, Route & Profile, Track 4D, Speed Segmentation, Doc29 Takeoff Roll Segmentation, Doc29 Final Approach Segmentation, Doc29 Initial Climb Segmentation
flight_phase TEXT Approach, Landing Roll, Takeoff Roll, Initial Climb, Climb
cumulative_ground_distance REAL
longitude REAL
latitude REAL
altitude_msl REAL
true_airspeed REAL
ground_speed REAL
corrected_net_thrust_per_engine REAL
bank_angle REAL
fuel_flow_per_engine REAL
Table Constraint Details
PRIMARY KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id, operation_id, operation, operation_type, point_number
FOREIGN KEY scenario_id, performance_run_id, operation_id, operation, operation_type from performance_run_output